Wildlife tourism: Conserve bears and bald eagles in British Columbia
“I’m drifting in the clear shallows of the Squamish River, eyes gaping and ears pricked for signs of avian life. Just 40 miles north of bustling Vancouver, British Columbia, sits one of the top viewing spots for wintering bald eagles. Six of us and a guide float through morning silence in a yellow inflatable, paddles still, our caps and woolens fending off a frigid January drizzle. . .”
I wrote an eco-tourism piece “Wild at Heart” about bald eagles in Brackendale, BC for Sierra Magazine. This national publication of the U.S. Sierra Club has more than one million readers.
Click here to view article as it appears in the magazine in the Jan/Feb 2000 issue.
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As someone who is passionate about bears and their conservation, I also visited the Khutzeymateen Grizzly Bear Sanctuary in northern B.C. to photograph these magnificent creatures in their natural habitat.
I travelled to Princess Royal Island on the north-central coast of British Columbia to photograph and write about the white “spirit” bears. Canada is the only home to these rare animals.
Click here to read my feature in the U.S. magazine Bears.