Feb. 21: See my presentation “Portals on an El Camino pilgrimage”
I’ll be one of the presenters at the Feb. 21 Pecha Kucha evening at the Sunshine Coast Arts Centre in Sechelt. Screening 20 images from my 800-kilometre walk, I’ll discuss the memorials en route and how the pathway invites contemplation regarding death and eternal life.
The event begins at 8 p.m.; doors open at 7:30. This attraction fills up fast, so get there early to ensure a seat. The Arts Centre is at 5714 Medusa at Trail Avenue.
Click here to learn more details regarding the Pecha Kucha format, used in cities across the globe.
Note: In the spring, I will likely be repeating my workshop Twelve Gifts of the Camino: a SoulCollage® Journey on the Sunshine Coast, and offering it for the first time in Vancouver. Watch for details.