Feb. 21: See my presentation “Portals on an El Camino pilgrimage”

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I’ll be one of the presenters at the Feb. 21 Pecha Kucha evening at the Sunshine Coast Arts Centre in Sechelt. Screening 20 images from my 800-kilometre walk, I’ll discuss the memorials en route and how the pathway invites contemplation regarding death and eternal life.

The event begins at 8 p.m.; doors open at 7:30. This attraction fills up fast, so get there early to ensure a seat. The Arts Centre is at 5714 Medusa at Trail Avenue.

Click here to learn more details regarding the Pecha Kucha format, used in cities across the globe.

Note: In the spring, I will likely be repeating my workshop Twelve Gifts of the Camino: a SoulCollage® Journey on the Sunshine Coast, and offering it for the first time in Vancouver. Watch for details.

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